"They carried the mirror about everywhere, till at last there was not a country nor any person who had not been distorted in it." from Andersenovy pohádky (Andersen’s Fairy Tales) vol. 3, by Hans Christian Andersen, 1900

"The emperor felt as if some one was sitting on his chest. He opened his eyes, and then he saw it was Death." from Fairy tales and stories, by Hans Christian Andersen, New York, 1900

"There the sea-witch was sitting." from Andersenovy pohádky (Andersen’s Fairy Tales) vol. 3, by Hans Christian Andersen, 1900

"Johannes untied his handkerchief and showed the Princess the ugly head of the troll." from Andersenovy pohádky (Andersen’s Fairy Tales) vol. 3, by Hans Christian Andersen, 1900

"The King lead Johannes out into the Princess' garden. In every tree hung three or four skeletons of Princes who had wooed the Princess." from Andersenovy pohádky (Andersen’s Fairy Tales), by Hans Christian Andersen, 1900

"There, on one of the largest tombstones, Elisa saw some ugly witches." , from Andersenovy pohádky (Andersen’s Fairy Tales) vol. 2, by Hans Christian Andersen, Prague, 1902

"The Will-O'-The-Wisps Are In Town,' Said The Woman From The Marsh. "Take Care of Yourselves!" from Fairy tales and stories, by Hans Christian Andersen, New York, 1900

" The storm shifts the sign-boards." from Andersenovy pohádky (Andersen’s Fairy Tales) vol. 3, by Hans Christian Andersen, 1900

The House Ghost or Abracadabra, from Tegner Udgave Af Ludvig Holbergs "Samtlige Comoedier" (the complete comedies of ludvig holberg) vol. 2, Copenhagen, 1896

"It was Mistress Toothache, Her Terrible Highness! . . . I felt as if a red hot awl passed through my cheekbone." from Fairy tales and stories, by Hans Christian Andersen, New York, 1900

"Down on the floor the flowers were dancing most gracefully, round and round, holding each other by their long, green leaves." from Andersenovy pohádky (Andersen’s Fairy Tales) vol. 3, by Hans Christian Andersen, 1900

"A grand attack of toothache was
coming on." from Fairy tales and stories, by Hans Christian Andersen,
New York, 1900.

Illustration from Comoedier, 1896

Assortment of grotesque head illustrations from "Fairy tales and stories" by Hans Christian Andersen, 1900
Many of the above scans found thanks to
Jan Willemsen.
Information on the life of Tegner can be found on his
Wikipedia page.
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