Thursday, January 27, 2022

Julius Moessel (1871 - 1957)

Julius Moessel - Symphony in Hell, No. 2, 1940'sSymphony in Hell, No. 2, 1940's 

Julius Moessel - Symphony in Hell (No.3)Symphony in Hell, No.3, 1940's 

Julius Moessel - Saint Anthony, 1948Saint Anthony, 1948 

Julius Moessel - Peace be with You, 1949-55Peace be with You, 1949-55 

Julius Moessel - Dream AllegoryDream Allegory 

Julius Moessel - The Apocalypse, 1946The Apocalypse, 1946 

Julius Moessel - Wild Hunter, 1948Wild Hunter, 1948 

Julius Moessel - A Unique MenagerieA Unique Menagerie 

Julius Moessel - Once upon a time...! "The European Balance"Once upon a time...! "The European Balance" 

 Julius Moessel - Super-Vitamin, 1950-53Super-Vitamin, 1950-53 

 Julius Moessel - The Parade , 1937The Parade , 1937 

Artist found thanks to The Cabinet of the Solar Plexus.


George Freeman said...

From Peer to Obscurity:
Julius Moessel and the Fall of an Artistic Reputation

Anonymous said...

normally I'm impressed by most of your posts, but I was stunned by this one!