I've chosen to share the entire coloring book for anyone interested in printing it out and coloring it themselves. Every page is included in order. I don't normally share copyrighted material in its entirety, however considering this "coloring book" has been out of print for over 30 years, I feel this thing deserves to be shared. If copyright holders of this book are opposed to my sharing it, feel free to contact me and I'll remove it by request.
Monster Brains viewer Brett Hack has provided a pdf version of the book with single pages set to 8.5 x 11 inches to make it easier to print out, download it here.
A second pdf (set as an 11x17 inch booklet with the pages laid out so that you an print it double-sided and then fold it in the middle to center-staple it) has been provided by Irfon-Kim Ahmad, download it here.
"After working on the film Yellow Submarine, he returned to work for Graham Productions and soon branched out into album covers and work for the Print Mint, Last Gasp Eco-Funnies, and other local underground publishers. Irons' collaborations with writer Tom Veitch in the early 1970s (the creative team known as "GI/TV") included such titles as Legion of Charlies and contributions to many other underground comix, including Skull Comix and Slow Death Funnies.
In the mid-1970s he started doing book illustrations mainly for Bellerophon Books. One of his books was a coloring-book format illustration of Chaucer's "The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale" which was issued with "The Miller's Tale" illustrated by Gilbert Shelton. It was also around this time he began doing tattooing.
On November 14, 1984, while on a working vacation in Bangkok, Thailand, Irons was struck and killed by a bus."
- This brief summary on the tragically short life of Greg Irons was taken from his page at Wikipedia.
Way cool! Love (the late) Irons' work from as far back as Skull Comics.
I was gonna say, can you confirm this is the same Greg Irons? It would certainly seem to be. The guy being involved in D+D, Yellow Sub, tattoos and underground comics, SE Asian travel, so many parallels to my own interests..it's eerie. And tragic he died so young.
I can confirm this being the same Greg Irons based on his signature in the first drawing of his in your post, compare it to the one on the Dungeons and Dragons coloring book cover, in the lower right, identical.
Whoa! I have a faint memory of seeing this when i was little. So cool!
this is awesome. i'm going to print pretty much all of these right now
Here's the full set : https://secure.flickr.com/photos/mutantskeleton/sets/72157627802803379/
Cool! I still have mine and am still coloring it. You can see a few pictures of it here (scroll down):
Thanks so much for these. Any idea if there was an accompanying text (the written by Gary Gygax stuff)? And if so where I could see the images? I'd be curious to read the adventure . . .
Thanks for putting these up. This guy spanned the fantasy, under-ground comic, and tattoo art world as no one had before him. The mark he left on tattooing in a brief 7 years of work is unprecedented, and his style is still being aped today. Great to see these images.
Wow this is so cool. My boyfriend will love this :)
A dungeon map at the end, and the rooms are keyed to the drawings?!! I had no idea!! This is actually an adventure.. amazing!
Thank you so much for this. The greedy swine wonders if you remember the fantasy coloring book George Metzger illustrated...
These are amazing!
Thanks so much for posting this! I've always wanted to get a look at the coloring book but have only managed little tidbits here and there. It's wonderful to finally see the whole thing.
(btw, one of the links to the larger images is broken. It has an extra p in http.)
Great to see this after so many years! I can actually remember coloring all these pictures when I was a kid.
Awesome, thanks!
Thank you for posting the full book! I'm grateful. Thanks again.
There was a very similar one for Universal Monsters in the 1970s. If you ever come across that one please post it!
Amazing scans, thanks!
i took the four encounters jpg and vectorized it before printing it out at 30x24. i'm going to fill it in this weekend, and then i'll blow up the other 5 or 6 that i love.
Oh man I went right back into my twelve year old mind looking at these pages. Fantastic to see them again. Makes so much sense it was Greg Irons. Big formative influence in my early teens looking at his work in my dad's underground comic collection. Thank you for posting this! Otherwise it might have remained hidden in my subconscious.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This brought back so many wonderful memories! I can't wait to share this with my little geeks!
Father Geek
This is a great treasure that needed to be shared.
We who are about to color, salute you!
Wow, thank you!
I remember the coloring book images vividly, but I had no idea there was an actual adventure in there...
Time to share it with the next generation. :)
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