There were 2 books published this year which any fan of Monster Brains should really want to have on their bookshelf. The first is the biggest book of Lovecraft inspired artworks ever made and likely to ever be made. It isn't cheap but it is worth it. Granted, I got my copy for free because my artwork was included in the end pages, but if I had the money I would have spent it on this book.
It is normally priced at 400 US dollars but can be found for 270 dollars on Amazon. Visit Millipede Press to buy it directly from the publisher or if you'd like to pick out a more expensive version priced at 500 and 2,500 US dollars that include art prints and signed copies of the book autographed by the likes of H.R Giger, Mike Mignola and other artists involved in the book. You Kramers Ergot fans thought you had it bad! But honestly, this book is truly worth the money if you can afford it.
A brief review of the book can be found at The SF Site.
Pictures above found at a review of the book at Enter The Octopus.
The second book is the fantastic collection of monster artworks, Beasts! Book 2. Jacob Covey, the editor and designer of the book, has put together an amazing assortment of artist visions covering many legendary creatures through out history. I was honored to have a vast number of my monster drawings included across 4 pages in the book. You can buy it for 35 dollars at
The first volume was recently reprinted and is also available here.
And check out the Beasts! Book blog to see more from the two books and related art shows.
Also, I'd like to welcome all Boing Boing readers. If you've never been here before, you have a lot of monsters to catch up on.
I'm surprised this has gone so long without comment. The Lovecraft book is absolutely stunning and must be worth every red cent that's squeezed out of the bank account to bring it home. There's inspiration to be found within its pages...
As for Beasts 2: I have the first on my bookshelf and will have to add this one to the collection. Congrats Aeron on your contribution!
Thanks so much for the recommendation! I ordered this immediately after reading but only finally got it last week. My only regret after viewing the publisher's page is that I didn't spring another $50 for the cloth in traycase with extra prints edition.
A beautiful book, though, and a required purchase for any serious Lovecraft fan. It's size, heft and presentation makes one immediately feel like it was worth every cent. It is quite possibly the nicest book I've ever owned.
Thanks King Unicorn, wwinfrey, I forgot to mention that black and white artwork I posted below the cover in this article is my artwork that is found in the book. My art was used as the end pages of both books and I'm incredibly satisfied with how well both books printed my art. I lucked out with the Lovecraft book as that artwork of mine wouldn't have looked right at any smaller size!
I was very pleased to have my drawing "Where the Great Old Ones Are" published in this book. Especially because it got me a copy of the book!
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