" A Danish author and poet, most famous for his fairy tales. Among his best-known stories "The Snow Queen", "The Little Mermaid", "The Emperor's New Clothes" and "The Ugly Duckling". During Andersen's lifetime he was feted by royalty and acclaimed as having brought joy to children across Europe. His fairy tales have been translated into well over a hundred languages and continue to be published in "millions of copies all over the world." - quote source.
The above is a bizarre paper cut out on a page of sheet music. See more paper cut outs from Anderson in this gallery at Odense City Museum.
You can view several of Anderson's picture books such as Astrid Stampe's Picture Book and Charlotte Melchior's picture book. There aren't any monsters to speak of in those collections but there is a wealth of fascinating clip art and collages spread through out the books.
And then there is this series of incredible collages.
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