Here is another great collection of illustrations on flickr from Modern Fred. This time we have Kaiju paintings, strangely some of these are like medical cross sections showing the colorful guts of the Kaiju beasts. I found more of these cross section drawings elsewhere, if anyone knows where I can see more I'd love to check em out!

Update 1/6/08 - The following is an artwork from an art book by Takeshi Murakami titled "Little Boy" as provided by cemenTIMental in the comments of this post.

And here is yet another amazing artwork of a Godzilla monster with its guts on display. This is an anatomical diagram of "Flaming Monster Gamera" from An Anatomical Guide to Monsters, 1967, 1997. Text: Shoji Otomo. Illustrator: Shogo Endo.

Above work found in this article at Tinselman. Check out this installation with more similar kaiju beasts with cross sections displaying their juicy gut stuff.
If anyone knows anyplace online where I can find all of the artwork from "An Anatomical Guide to Monsters" illustrated by Shogo Endo, I'd REALLY like to see, thanks! Hopefully they all end up on flickr sooner or later.
this is my favorite thing of the week....score...
Yeah I know I've seen these Godzilla pictures showing his insides somewhere before but I can't figure out where.
Superb... been looking for more of these since reading about them and seeing one in Takeshi Murakami's art book "little boy". Thanks for posting!
Here's the image from the Murakami book... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v235/timdrage/Shoji_Otomo_crossection.jpg
Shoji Otomo is the artist, he did whole books of the anatomy of monsters.
Thanks for the pic, cemenTIMental, really cool. I gotta find more pics from that book! I found some other weird cross section pictures a few months back showing a tank? that was broken in half only there was a passenger in the vehicle and they went so far as to include showing their internal organs right along with the cross section of the internal architecture of the tank. I'll have to post in on here sometime, one of the more peculiar pictures I've ever seen!
Wow that sounds pretty strange, would be interesting to see!
trying to find books which include those cross section pictures of kaiju monsters. does anyone know where i can buy one? sadly, i missed a vintage gamera book on ebay.
Found some more Kaiju cross-sections, much less pleasingly drawn and more recent but kind of cool:
i have been looking for this book off+on for three years now. it's been a while since i taken up the search, so maybe i should give it another try.
thanks so much for creating such an awesome + comprehensive monster blog. i just discovered this little piece of heaven you've created + i've spent the last couple days trying to take it all in. keep up the good work.
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