Punishments In Hell

The above 2 undated images are Chromolithographs showing what happens to people for various sin related crimes. The top image shows both the sin and the punishment, a nice guide to have around so you're not surprised when a giant monster headed thing throws you in a fire. They were published by Anant Shivaji Desai Motibazar Mumbai in Bombay India. I was hoping to find larger examples of these but all that I could find online was this mention from an exhibition concerning pain. And I remember seeing posters very similar to these somewhere in Chicago that showed other crimes that you were supposed to avoid. If anyone knows of any sites with additional posters like these please mention them in the comments.

The above 2 undated images are Chromolithographs showing what happens to people for various sin related crimes. The top image shows both the sin and the punishment, a nice guide to have around so you're not surprised when a giant monster headed thing throws you in a fire. They were published by Anant Shivaji Desai Motibazar Mumbai in Bombay India. I was hoping to find larger examples of these but all that I could find online was this mention from an exhibition concerning pain. And I remember seeing posters very similar to these somewhere in Chicago that showed other crimes that you were supposed to avoid. If anyone knows of any sites with additional posters like these please mention them in the comments.
These are great, very similar in both lay-out and subject matter to European "topsy-turvy world" popular prints, see www.culture.gouv.fr"le monde renverse" Paul.
Sorry, those images are very small, image search "le monde renverse" you can find bigger ones, www.histoire-image.org Paul.
This is better! BibliOdyssey, Sunday, September 10, 2006. Why did'nt I think of that first! Paul.
Thanks for the links Paul, I found a lot of great stuff at the French site which I'll be posting on here through out the week.
I have seen these images painted in the main temple in Bikaner, India.
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