Paolo Uccello - St George and the Dragon, oil on canvas 1456

Paolo Uccello - St George and the Dragon, oil on canvas 1458-60

Raphael Sanzio - St George fighting the dragon, oil on wood 1505

Raphael Sanzio - St George and the dragon, oil on wood 1505-06

Vittore Carpaccio - St George and the Dragon, Tempera on canvas, 1502. View detail of left side here. View detail of right side here.

Vittore Carpaccio - St George and the dragon, Oil on canvas 1516

Leonhard Beck - St George and the Dragon, 1st half of the 16th century.

Girard Master - St. George and the Dragon, Spanish 15th century oil and tempera on panel.

Carlo Crivelli - St George Slaying the Dragon, tempera and gold leaf/wood, Italy 1470.

Carlo Crivelli - St George and the Dragon, scene from the predella panel of the 'Madonna della Rondine' altarpiece, c.1490

Bernat Martorell - St George Killing the Dragon, Tempera on wood, 1430-35

Franz Pforr - St George and the Dragon, 1811

Mattia Preti - St George Victorious over the Dragon, oil on canvas, Italian 1678

Cornelius Cort - St. George killing the dragon, Dutch 16th century engraving

Lucas Cranach the Elder - St. George on Horseback Slaying the Dragon, German 15th - 16th century woodcut.

Enea Vico - St. George killing the dragon, after Giulio Clovio, Italian 1542 Engraving.

Jacopo Bellini - S.Giorgio che uccide il drago, Italian print from 15th century.

Bernardino Lanino - St George and the Dragon, black chalk, pen, bistre wash, and heightened with white lead on ochre-green prepared paper. Image found thanks to Peacay Chez.

C.R - Image caption reads, "Sancti Georgii: liberet nos Deus a dolore capitis et ab omni malo."

A theatrical production, Covent Garden, London 1864, Artist unkown.

The above Woodcut shows the scene of Cadmus and the dragon. "A Phoenician prince who killed a dragon and sowed its teeth, from which sprang up an army of men who fought one another until only five survived. With these five men Cadmus founded the city of Thebes." I can only assume that this was a direct inspiration for the imagery of St. George and the Dragon.

Another illustration of Cadmus and the Dragon, artist unknown. Click here to view more imagery taken from the Ovid: Metamorphoses.
View more imagery of Saint George Vs The Dragon here.
And even more paintings and other medium of Saint George battling the dragon can be found here.
Sketches attributed to Leonardo da Vinci for a composition of Saint George and the Dragon. Black chalk and light touches of pen and brownish ink. Image found thanks to Peacay Chez.

Arnold Böcklin - Angelika wird von einem Drachen bewacht, 1873