The above photographs are from the series "Understanding Joshua" depicting a horrifically realistic muppet. The following is another great example of how Charlie poses fantastical things in real world settings, making them appear all the more bizarre.

More on Charlie White can be found at CharlieWhite.info
Charlie also directed a video for the band Interpol that includes a disturbingly like like muppet creature, similar to the Joshua series.
Intriguing artwork, both creative and mentally scarring at the same time.
It's like a bad accident, I want to look away but I can't divert my eyes.
It's worth noting that Charlie White also directed the video for Interpol's song "Evil": http://youtu.be/eqfiHfDmOnw But hey, who's on trial?
Yeah I was debating on mentioning the video, what the hell, I'll include it in the post.
Charlie White is interesting he also did a few videos released on yt called 'omg. Animation involving two teenage girls. And another one where a girl is consumed by this glittery latex.
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