Scans found thanks to Peter Gray's Cartoons and Comics blog. The two original art scans found at Comic Art Fans. Ken Reid's "World Wide Weirdies" series was originally published in the comic Whoopee!!, read about it here. I spent a great deal of time cropping the ninety some images, adjusting the colors and cleaning up the edges, enjoy this assortment of fantastically bizarre monster filled illustrations from Ken! Learn more about his life and work at his Wikipedia page.
Thanks so much for sharing these. I think I'll stare at them for hours.
Oh, good lord, so mech fun ! What a big and horrible collection !
Yes, these are great!
Thanks once again, Aeron!
I appreciate all the time you take searching for pics to post. I love this blog.
Wonderful, wonderful stuff.
Wow. This is one the largest most epic posts I've seen on your site yet! Incredible!! Kudos!
Thank you. These are amazing.
What a find, the astounding circular frames bounce with cartoony evil.
Great stuff! Think I'll go and draw something wierd:)
I love this kind of stuff
Man, I loved this artist when I was a kid, recognised it straight away from the way he draws his nose and mouths, used to always read Beano as a kid. Awesome blog!
These kicked me in the balls. Excellent work!
Presumably the last on is 'The Fright Cliffs of Dover.'
These are so wonderfully crazy, I cant believe I do not ever remember seeing these before. Thank you so very much for taking the time to post them I know all of my friends are going to go ape when they see these images.
Thanks Again!
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