I was browsing through Terr-bo's photostream on flickr, found thanks to Hugo Strkes Back! , when I stumbled across this bizarre image.
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"This is a still from a silent film "La Conquête du pôle" or "The Conquest of the Pole" directed by George Melies in 1912. Here is the address of the film posted on youtube, the snow monster appears about 5:30 in." - dan
Weird Wild Realm.com has a review of the film posted here, link provided by Sean T Collins.
Many thanks to everyone else (buzz, Sean Goblin, Quentin, guyllom, Wilb and kabbur) for helping me identify this image!
I'm pretty sure it's a promotional still for Georges Méliès's The Conquest of the Pole. See wikipedia description here. I recall seeing this image in a book about the history of horror movies I had as a kid.
See also.
It's from a 1912 Georges Melies film, CONQUEST OF THE POLE.
It looks like it's from that old French movie where the guys take a rocket to the moon, Le Voyage dans la lune.
This is actually the set of an old silent movie, called "A la conquête du Pôle" (conquest of the Pole), made in 1911 by french special effects pioneer Georges Méliès. This was one of his most ambitious movie, for which he built a huge puppet of a frost giant, that brave explorers will fight (and get eaten by, for some of them...).
I could not find it on youtube, but it is featured in some dvds compiling his work.
By the way, thanks for the great blog ! ;)
It is an giant ice monster from a George Mellies' silent film
(PS; your blog is really fantastic, sorry for my bad english )
The "Giant of the Snows" from the 1912 Georges Melies fantasy film "The Conquest of the Pole".
I believe this might be a still from a George Melies film. I'm not sure which one. I vaguely recall seeing the photo in a pictorial book of classsic horror films. I love your blog, btw.
this is a still from a silent film "La Conquête du pôle" or "The Conquest of the Pole" directed by George Melies in 1912. Here is the address of the film posted on youtube:
the snow monster appears about 5:30 in. Anyway, hope this helps and thanks for maintaining and frequently updating such a great blog.
Thanks everyone for the great feedback! That's one of the advantages of running this blog, there's rarely an obscure image that I find which I can't have someone help identify!
wow, i was hoping it was a melies version of Dantes Inferno. (i love your blog, it fills the gap left by giornale nuovo & reaches the places bibliodyssey doesn't go)
j. c.
Thanks J.C, and PK of BibliOdyssey has been very helpful over the years in my ongoing hunt for the most monstrous imagery online.
And I miss Giornale Nuovo as well, I hope it comes back someday.
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