Sunday, September 21, 2008

David Ryckaert III - The Danse Of The Leprechauns

Here is another painting that I have no information on other than a possible artist name including the word Rijkaert. If anyone knows more details about this painting I'd really like to find out more. It seems to be a cropping of a larger scene and I'm guessing it was painted between the 16th and 18th century.

edit -

"This painting is by David Ryckaert III (the third), named "La ronde des farfadets" (The danse of the leprechauns). You can see it in the Clermont-Ferrand museum of fine arts (also named musée d’art Roger-Quilliot) in France and you'll find a good reproduction (1245*957px) here" - quote taken from Costar.

Thanks again Costar for the detailed information on this painting.


Costar said...

This painting is by David Ryckaert III (the third), named "La ronde des farfadets" (The danse of the leprechauns). You can see it in the Clermont-Ferrand museum of fine arts (also named musée d’art Roger-Quilliot) in France and you'll find a good reproduction (1245*957px) here :

Aeron said...

Thank you, Costar! It never fails to amaze me the wealth of information Monster Brains viewers have on the most obscure of artworks that I stumble across.

Anonymous said...

Interesting take on leprechauns :)