Saturday, December 15, 2007

French Emblems At Glasgow

"This website gives you access to all the French Emblem Books of the 16th century, along with their Latin versions when appropriate. While the seed of the emblem as a genre was sown in Germany in 1531, it flowered and developed in France during the 16th century, and it was from there that it spread throughout Europe."

There are hundreds of fantastic scenes on display in this collection. Here are the results I got when looking for dragons and monsters. Use the search bar on the top right to look up other images or browse the books directly from here.


Anonymous said...

These are great! Of the ones you posted I particularly liked the island with the person turning into a tree. The waves in that image look like they're sculpted out of clay.

Another sea scene on the site that I thought particularly strong was this one, with a monstrous figure who has dog-heads growing out of his stomach devouring shipwrecked sailors.

Aeron said...

That's a weird one! It's one thing to be a shipwrecked sailor dealing with the weather, sharks, killer squid, that comes with the territory. But then you have freaks with dog heads growing out of their goddamn stomachs to worry about!! I'll bet those sailors were screaming " I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS CRAP!!!!"
