"Griet was a disapproving name given to any bad-tempered, shrewish woman, about which there are many Flemish proverbs: ‘She could plunder in front of hell and return unscathed’." - quote from here.
The above painting of the maniac woman battling the denizens of Hell is titled "The Witch" by David Rychaert the 3rd from the 17th century.

The most famous of the bunch, Peter Brughel's "Dulle Griet" or Mad Meg, from 1562.

The above incredibly detailed interpretation of Bruegel's painting is by an artist who goes by none other than Mad Meg.

This derranged crowd of characters is a fragment from a larger work by the illustrator Carll Cneut. The illustration is taken from his book titled Dulle Griet.
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