Sunday, May 07, 2006

Harry Clarke

I discovered the illustrations of Clarke in my teens within a copy of Edgar Allen Poe's "Tales of Mystery and Imagination". His Art Nouveau style with the skeletal figures and strikingly bizarre creatures have stayed in my head ever since.


I came across the above image here. If anyone knows where I could find more examples by this artist or even their name, please tell me, thanks!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Boris Artzybasheff
I discovered the art of Boris in an older issue of Blab. I was amazed at the reinterpretation of the human body as factory and war machines. He made many illustrations for Time magazine. His trademark seems to have been giving human like appearances to vehicles and other machinery.

2nd Gallery
3rd Gallery
There's some giant anti Nazi drawings posted here.
Single Image

Nemo Ramjet
This gallery contains a great selection of unique looking creatures and very mutated humans. Nemo appears to have a wide range of styles but my favorite is where he appears influenced by Moebius. Click on the numbers below to see a few of my favorite works from the site.


And don't miss his sketch pages, there's some really strange beasts like this in there.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Otake Shigeo's "Secrets of Plant Worms House"
Shigeo is one of the most interesting artists I've discovered this year. The paintings are filled with very alien looking plant life and creatures. Some of the work reminds me of Jim Woodring, Remedios Varo and Leonora Carrington.