Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jean MiƩlo - Miracles de Nostre Dame (1456)

"Virgin and angels rescue soul of knight from devils."

"Glimpse of Purgatory in maw of monster; kneeling nun."

"Jew who desecrates picture of Virgin put to death by devils; picture restored by pious Christian who kneels before Virgin."

"Devils taking the soul of Ebroin to Hell meet 5 monks rowing."

"Soul of woman surrounded by devils, saved by Virgin and sent to Purgatory."

"Vision of Judgment; Mary tips the scales and rescues a man from the devil."

"A holy man advises a woman to invoke Mary against a devil."

Found in the Medieval and Renaissance Manuscript collection in the Bodleian Image Library.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Things In Alchemical Containers

"A three headed monster in an alchemical flask, representing the composition of the alchemical philosopher's stone: salt, sulphur, and mercury; from Salomon Trismosin's 'Splendor solis'. Watercolour painting."

"A three-headed eagle in a crowned alchemical flask, representing mercury sublimated three times; from Salomon Trismosin's 'Splendor solis'. Watercolour painting."

"A putto pours a phial into a dragon's mouth, pumping a bellows with his other hand; representing the fixing of volatile matter in the alchemical process; from Salomon Trismosin's 'Splendor solis'. Watercolour painting."

paintings after: Salomon Trismosin

"Miniatures from a 16th century manuscript on Alchemy at Dresden."

If anyone knows where I can find the color versions of these please let me know, thanks!

Monday, June 09, 2008

Leo the Wise - Oracula (From Italian Manuscript)

Paul of BibliOdyssey tipped me off to an amazing new resource of imagery taken from old manuscripts. You can check out the collection yourself at the Bodleian Image Library at the University of Oxford. I'll be posting more of my findings from there later this week.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Lena Hades - Ars Chimera

Scroll down the rows of paintings on this page to find more paintings from the Chimera series.

Read about this Russian artist in this Wikipedia article.