Friday, March 28, 2008

Film Clips Of Horrifying Things!

The above is a scene infested with all manner of monster from my favorite Russian horror film, Viy, Spirit of Evil, released in 1967. The plot is based on, as quoted from Wikipedia, "a horror short story by the Russian-Ukrainian writer Nikolai Gogol, first published in the first volume of his collection of tales entitled Mirgorod (1835). The title refers to the name of a demonic entity central to the plot." And I saw mention in the article that a remake of this film is due for release in 2009 to conicide with the 200th anniversary of Gogol's birth! Hopefully they don't use any cgi.

The above scene with a giant spider and the horrible nightmarish laughter is from another Russian film, Vasilisa The Beautiful, released in 1939. The story is based on an old Russian fairy tale concerning a witch named Baba Yaga. You can read about it here.

Yokai Monsters - Trailer. There is a trilogy of these Japanese spirit films from the late 60's titled Spook Warfare, 100 Monsters and Along With Ghosts. They each have an amazing atmosphere about them that is similar to the fog soaked landscapes and ambient dread of the best Hammer films. I think this trailer combines all three films, you can find them available at Amazon here. I was lucky enough to pick up all three on dvd at a used bookstore several years ago. I bought them based on the covers alone and they turned out to be some of the best films in my collection!

And last, here is a scene from "Attack of the Beast Creatures" a low budget horror film from 1985. You could almost look at this as a weird sequel to the Trilogy of Terror episode about the African wooden doll demon. This film has a lot of those in their natural environment of the jungle. It's both hillarious and terrifying at the same time. I don't think you'll find this at your local Blockbuster but with enough digging you'll find it... somewhere. I got it off some torrent site several years back and can confirm the rest of the film is equally insane, such as acid pools that people melt in. You can read more about the film here.

I won't be doing this often but maybe every month I'll start posting some of my favorite monster related film clips on here.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Random Imagery

Enjoy some random pictures...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mythical 16th Century Disease Critters
The Pink Tentacle strikes again! They've dug up some really crazy paintings of imaginary creatures representing various diseases, each with peculiar backstories. My favorite is the critter responsible for leprosy, Gyochu, which appears to the left of the following artwork...

"Gyochu, a deadly critter responsible for leprosy, acts as a messenger to the underworld. On the night of Koshin-no-hi (an important date occurring every 60 days on the Chinese calendar), Gyochu leaves the body to visit Enma-daio (Lord of the Underworld) and tell him of your misdeeds. Enma-daio is known to punish people for bad behavior by reducing their remaining time on earth."

Click here to see the full article at Pink Tentacle.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Devil Fresco

These are two photographs of a fresco inside the Dutch church of Middelstum, Hippolytuskerk. More photos can be found at groenling's flickr page.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Aloisio Giovannoli - Grotesque Mask etchings, 1590-1605

The below five engravings printed by Master of the Name of Jesus Christ are dated between 1556 and 1572. All images found at The British Museum.