Modern Krampus

Fred Stonehouse - Gruss Vom Krampus One

Fred Stonehouse - Brav Sein One

Fred Stonehouse - Brav Sein Two

Travis Louie - Krampus One

Marc Burckhardt

Travis Lampe - Enter the Krampus

Travis Lampe - Return of the Krampus

Ryan Heshka - For Your Sins

William Basso - Gifts for Ill-mannered Children
All of the above Krampus related artworks were part of a Blab! art show at the Copro - Nason Gallery. More pictures of Krampus from the show can be seen in the online gallery of the exhibit here.

I found the above work on photobucket. I don't know the name of the artist but it appears to be on the work although I can't make it out myself.

And lastly, the above is a scan I took of a Christmas card I received this week from my pal Sean Aaberg aka Goblinko.
This concludes Krampus Week!